Weekly Storytimes


Storytime in the key of 3! Catch Colin, Franny or special guest readers every week at one of our weekly storytimes. Join us at 57th Street Books every Sunday morning and select Saturdays at 10:30am! 

Saturday Storytime with Guest ReadersSaturday Storytime with ColinSunday Storytime with Franny
Local guest authors & illustrators will come by 57th Street Books to read from their Children's books. Check our events calendar for upcoming dates and details.

Colin McDonald brings a love of language and background in preschool (teaching) to Saturday morning storytime. With live guitar, simple action songs and sing-a-longs, and resonant stories of wonder and calm, our monthly Saturday storytime is full of humor, gentleness, and fun for all, but especially ages 0-6. Find Colin's storytime dates below!   

Colin will be joining us the first Saturday of the month this fall beginning on September 7th at 10:30am!

-September 7th at 10:30am

-October 5th at 10:30am

-November 2nd at 10:30am

Award-winning children's-book author Franny Billingsley not only read books, both new and old, during her Sunday storyhours but invite kids to participate in sing-a-longs and finger plays. She likes books about mutant potatoes who enter beauty contests and sharks who have to go to the dentist--perfect for the zero-to-six crowd (but all are welcome). And if some Sunday you should find that your toes are particularly restive, please know that we end every storyhour by singing them to sleep.