Bookstore Merch


Click the red links below to shop for t-shirts by size and color, and scroll down for tote bags, mugs, masks, and notebooks! 

Co-op T-Shirts

Box Cut Black: XXL XL  L  M  S  XS  

Box Cut Grey: XXXL XXL XL  L  M  S  XS


Fitted Black: XXL XL  L  M  S

Fitted Grey: XL  L  M  S


57th T-Shirts

Box Cut Blue: XXL XL  L  M  S  XS  

Box Cut White: XXXL XXL XL  L  M  S  XS  

Box Cut Cream: XXXL XXL XL  L  M  S  XS  


Fitted Blue: XXL XL  L  M  S

Fitted White: XXL XL  L  M  S

Fitted Cream: XXL XL  L  M  S


Co-op Onesies

Newborn | 6 Month | 12 Month | 18 Month | 24 Month



Image: 57th Street Mug White and Green

57th Street Mug White and Green

Image: Econscious Tote Bag - 57th Street

Econscious Tote Bag - 57th Street

Image: Econscious Tote Bag - Seminary Co-op

Econscious Tote Bag - Seminary Co-op

Image: Seminary Co-op Mug Black

Seminary Co-op Mug Black

Image: Seminary Co-op Notebook Spiral Black Lined 8.5 x 11

Seminary Co-op Notebook Spiral Black Lined 8.5 x 11
