Always Crashing Issue Two
Always Crashing is a magazine of fiction, poetry, and nameless things around and in-between. We are interested in surfaces and form, in works that seek something via untruth, fantasy, artificiality, the plastic, deep superficiality, and attention to their own construction. We are interested in writing that strikes curious poses; in the "experimental," not as an avant-garde, but as a furthering of a subterranean literary tradition. We are interested, ultimately, in the aesthetic: the beautiful and the sublime, sure, but also the boring, the dumb, the merely interesting, the zany, the disgusting, the cute--particularly when pushed into strange and unfamiliar territories.
Issue Two Contains:
Three pieces from Multiplex, Rebecca Cross
"The Cave," Cameron Pierce
"Midsummer Crown," Reilly D. Cox, with illustrations by Brennan Emmett Cox
"And then she said..." and "Sylvia Plath and Her Neighbors," Paulette Beete & Jen Rouse
"After [Francesco Guarino's] St. Agatha / during [a beloved's] rehab," "Coma [, ]," "Overlap lapping frames soft set reset all s e t, alive," and "Nocturne for Human Disturbance," Grace O'Connor
"Disease Was Wafting," "Piglet Rejected by Its Mother," "Romantic Love with British Comedians," "Two Strangers Gaze at the Dark," "Tennis Players' Grunts," and "Compulsive Tendency to Defragment," Dave Brennan
"Of Adder and Ape," Gregg Williard
"birthbonedeathbone" and "birthbonedeathbone," Tony Mancus
"I N S T I L L S T I L L" and "RECORD, DOWN, NEWS," Colleen Baran
"Eight Ways to Get Better at the Things You Care About," Dolan Morgan
"Trying to Have Sex Without Thinking of Sex," "Reading Anaïs Nin in a Cage," and "F*ck the Wunderkinder," Lexi Cary
"we need heat stoke the fire v2.0.3 SteamRip (REPACK) xX(dEaDnAmE)Xx 78 Seeders," "bittersweet biography 18 frowning dogs--a note on bodies and magic," and "328," Døgtail Nørth